Crazy Little Thing Called Love

There goes my baby/ She knows how to rock 'n' roll

Autor Redacció
El 30 de juny de 1980 Queen van publicar el seu vuitè disc d'estudi, The Game. Escoltem una de les cançons que hi van incloure, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, que Freddie Mercury va escriure en homenatge a Elvis Presley, i que el va portar a tocar la guitarra en concert per primera vegada.

This thing called love, I just can't handle it
This thing called love, I must get round to it
I ain't ready
Crazy little thing called love

This thing (this thing)
Called love (called love)
It cries (like a baby)
In a cradle all night
It swings (woo woo)
It jives (woo woo)
It shakes all over like a jelly fish
I kinda like it
Crazy little thing called love

There goes my baby
She knows how to rock 'n' roll
She drives me crazy
She gives me hot and cold fever
Then she leaves me in a cool cool sweat

I gotta be cool, relax, get hip
And get on my track's
Take a back seat, hitch-hike
And take a long ride on my motorbike
Until I'm ready
Crazy little thing called love

I gotta be cool, relax, get hip
And get on my track's
Take a back seat (ah hum), hitch-hike (ah hum)
And take a long ride on my motorbike
Until I'm ready (ready Freddie)
Crazy little thing called love

This thing called love, I just can't handle it
This thing called love, I must get round to it
I ain't ready
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Crazy little thing called love
Crazy little thing called love, yeah, yeah
Crazy little thing called love, yeah, yeah
Crazy little thing called love, yeah, yeah
Crazy little thing called love, yeah, yeah
Crazy little thing called love, yeah, yeah
Crazy little thing called love, yeah, yeah
Crazy little thing called love, yeah, yeah
Crazy little thing called love, yeah, yeah

Data de publicació: 30 de juny de 2020
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