El Bella ciao de Tom Waits i Marc Ribot

Oh, partigiano, please take me with you

Tom Waits canta l'himne antifeixista italià al nou disc del guitarrista estatunidenc Marc Ribot, Songs Of Resistance 1942–2018. La cançó ha estat adaptada a l'anglès, però també a l'actualitat: el vídeo, dirigit per Jem Cohen, denuncia el racisme de Trump.

Goodbye Beautiful

One fine morning I woke up early
Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao
One fine morning I woke up early
Find the fascist at my door

Oh, partigiano, please take me with you
Bella ciao, bella ciao, goodbye, beautiful
Oh, partigiano, please take me with you
I'm not afraid anymore

And if I die, oh, partigiano
Bella ciao, bella ciao, goodbye, beautiful
Bury me upon that mountain
Beneath the shadow of the flower

Show all the people, the people passing
Bella ciao, bella ciao, goodbye, beautiful
Show all the people, the people passing
And say "oh, what a beautiful flower".

This is the flower of the partisan
Bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao
This is the flower of the partisan
Who died for freedom
This is the flower of the partisan
Who died for freedom

Foto: Facebook Tom Waits

Data de publicació: 18 de setembre de 2018
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