It's Oh So Quiet

You cross your heart and hope to die

Autor Redacció
Björk Guðmundsdóttir va néixer a Reykjavík, Islàndia, el 21 de novembre de 1965. Pel seu segon disc d'estudi, Post, va versionar la cançó It's Oh So Quiet, que havia popularitzat l'actriu i cantant Betty Hutton. Veiem el videoclip de la versió que en va fer Björk, un homenatge dirigit per Spike Jonze a Les Parapluies de Cherbourg (Els paraigües de Cherbourg), una pel·lícula musical dirigida per Jacques Demy i protagonitzada per Catherine Deneuve i Nino Castelnuovo, i gaudim de l'original cantada per Betty Hutton.

It's oh so quiet, shh shh
It's oh so still, shh shh
You're all alone, shh shh
And so peaceful until

You fall in love, zing boom
The sky up above, zing boom
Is caving in, wow bam
You've never been so nuts about a guy
You want to laugh you want to cry
You cross your heart and hope to die
'Til it's over

And then, shh shh
It's nice and quiet, shh shh
But soon again, shh shh
Starts another big riot

You blow a fuse, zing boom
The devil cuts loose, zing boom
So what's the use, wow bam
Of falling in love

It's oh so quiet
It's oh so still
You're all alone
And so peaceful until

You ring the bell, bim bam
You shout and you yell, Ha ho ho
You broke the spell
Gee, this is swell you almost have a fit
This guy is "gorge" and I got hit
There's no mistake this is it!
'Til it's over

And then
It's nice and quiet, shh shh
But soon again, shh shh
Starts another big riot

You blow a fuse, zing boom
The devil cuts loose, zing boom
So what's the use, wow bam
Of falling in love

The sky caves in
The devil cuts loose
You blow blow blow blow your fuse, ah!
When you've fallen in love

Coberta de "Post", el segon disc de la cantant islandesa Björk

Data de publicació: 21 de novembre de 2021
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