La cançó de Kate Tempest parla de com necessitem companyia en els moments durs, i el vídeo mostra com, en plena emergència, hem inventat noves maneres de fer-nos costat i de trobar un xic de pau, encara que sigui a distància, en les cares de la gent.
Was that a pivotal historical moment
We just went stumbling past?
Here we are
Dancing in the rumbling dark
So come a little closer
Give me something to grasp
Give me your beautiful, crumbling heart
We're working every dread day that is given us
Feeling like the person people meet
Really isn't us
Like we're going to buckle underneath the trouble
Like any minute now
The struggle's going to finish us
And then we smile at all our friends
Even when I'm weak and I'm breaking
I'll stand weeping at the train station
'Cause I can see your faces
There is so much peace to be found in people's faces
I love people's faces
La cançó People's Faces, del disc The Book of Traps and Lessons, de Kate Tempest: