Simon is on time today
Hands me the wine
And I put it on ice
And here come Ryan and Claire
With the baby
Sleeping in her father's arms
And I receive Juliet
You've come alone,
I really love your dress!
And all the gang is arriving
When they're seated
Dinner begins
An exquisite meal
I'd like to try that wine
Coffe anyone?
A gin&tonic for me
And we play that game
Of long summer nights
Don't talk so loudly
'cause the baby sleeps!
And Ryan says
I never ever have desired
To give Juliet a kiss
And he adds:
I never ever have desired
That she breaks up with Chris
They look at me
And no one drinks...
And that poisonous dart
Goes straight to my heart
And looking down
I take a sip
And I see them laughing out loud
But Juliet raises her glass
Looks at me and says:
I never ever thought that I
Would be happier
By your side
I never ever thought that I
Would be happier
By your side
And I freeze
She takes a drink
Avui l'Albert arriba a l'hora,
em dóna el cava
i el poso en fred.
I arriben l'Hèctor i la Clara
porten la nena
adormida en el cotxet.
I obro la porta a la Judit.
Avui véns sola,
m'encanta el teu vestit.
I va arribant tota la colla,
quan són a taula
trec el sopar.
Un menjar exquisit,
vull provar aquest vi,
qui vol cafè?,
hi ha gintònics també.
i juguem al joc d'aquelles nits d'estiu,
no parleu tan fort que la nena dorm.
I l'Hèctor diu:
Jo mai mai he desitjat fer un petó a la Judit
i afegeix:
Jo mai mai he desitjat que deixés el seu marit.
Tothom em mira i ningú beu.
I aquell dard emmetzinat
se m'ha clavat al cor
i ho reconec
i faig un glop.
I veig que tots riuen de cop,
però la Judit aixeca el got
em mira i em diu:
Jo mai mai no he pensat
que seria més feliç al teu costat,
Jo mai mai no he pensat
que seria més feliç al teu costat.
I jo em congelo i ella beu.