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  • Johnny Depp i Jeff Beck versionen «Isolation»

Johnny Depp i Jeff Beck versionen «Isolation»

El guitarrista i l'actor s'han fet seva la cançó de John Lennon

Autor Redacció
L'any passat el guitarrista Jeff Beck i l'actor Johnny Depp van versionar aquest clàssic de John Lennon del 1970. No l'havien publicat ni tenien previst publicar-lo encara, però davant del "veritable aïllament que estem vivint", l'han compartit.

En un comunicat, Depp ha explicat que el que escrivia Lennon en aquesta cançó: "Tenim por de tots, por del sol" els va semblar especialment profund i significatiu. I que esperen que aquesta versió ens ajudi a digerir el que estem vivint o, si més no, a passar el temps mentre suportem el tancament junts.

People say we got it made
Don't they know we're so afraid

We're afraid to be alone
Everybody got to have a home

Just a boy and a little girl
Trying to change the whole wide world

The world is just a little town
Everybody trying to put us down

I don't expect you, to understand
After you caused so much pain
But then again, you're not to blame
You're just a human, a victim of the insane

We're afraid of everyone
Afraid of the sun

The sun will never disappear
But the world may not have many years

I don't expect you, to understand
After you caused so much pain
But then again, you're not to blame
You're just a human, a victim of the insane

People say we got it made
Don't they know we're so afraid

Data de publicació: 17 d'abril de 2020
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