Mick Jagger (1943) explica que "abans de la quarantena, estàvem a l'estudi gravant material nou. Hi havia una cançó que vam pensar que tenia una ressonància especial amb les circumstàncies que ens està tocant viure. Hi hem estat treballant en l'aïllament i aquí està, espero que us agradi." I Keith Richards (1943) ho acaba d'aclarir: "Vam gravar aquest tema fa un any a Los Angeles per al nostre disc nou, un projecte en què seguim treballant. Llavors la merda ens va esquitxar a tots, i en Mick i jo vam decidir que la cançó s'havia de treure ara".
I'm a ghost
Living in a ghost town
I'm a ghost
Living in a ghost town
You can look for me
But I can't be found
You can search for me
I had to go underground
Life was so beautiful
Then we all got locked down
Feel a like ghost
Living in a ghost town
Once this place was humming
And the air was full of drumming
The sound of cymbals crashing
Glasses were all smashing
Trumpets were all screaming
Saxophones were blaring
Nobody was caring if it's day or night
I'm a ghost
Living in a ghost town
I'm going nowhere
Shut up all alone
So much time to lose
Just staring at my phone
Every night I am dreaming
That you'll come and creep in my bed
Please let this be over
Not stuck in a world without end
I'm a ghost
Living in a ghost town
You can look for me
But I can't be found
We're all living in a ghost town
Living in a ghost town
We were so beautiful
I was your man about town
Living in this ghost town
Ain't having any fun
If I want a party
It's a party of one