Maïa Vidal i Paula Valls, a l'Apolo

Sortegem dues entrades dobles per al concert que oferiran a la «Setmana de la Música TR3SC»

Foto: Facebook Maïa Vidal

Sortegem dues entrades dobles per al concert que oferiran Maïa Vidal i Paula Valls el dilluns 18 de juny a les 20:00 a la sala Apolo, en el marc de la Setmana de la Música TR3SC, que estarà especialment dedicada a les veus femenines. Si hi voleu participar, envieu-nos un mail abans del 12 de juny a Ens posarem en contacte amb els guanyadors via mail.

Del dilluns 18 al dijous 21 de juny trobarem 4 concerts dobles i únics en què s'hi podran sentir 8 veus que viuen i ens fan viure la música. Elles són Maïa Vidal i Paula Valls, Luthea Salom i Clara Vinyals –amb l'actuació de Renaldo&Clara–, Mariona Aupí i Dolo Beltrán, i Marion Harper i Carla Gimeno –amb The Crab Apples–.



On the road to sadness
Feeling empty again
On the road to somewhere
Maybe there I find my place

I don't have many answers
If you ask me about the plan
Maybe that's all that happens
When you just walk through the days

And I, I’m trying to find myself
And I, I’m trying to do my best

I feel like in a circle
Cause it's always the same
I’m complaining about everything
And I’m missing every train

And I, I’m trying to find myself
And I, I’m trying to do my best

They say it's easy
No one knows what I need
They say it's easy
Just don't give up on it

And I, I’m trying to find myself
And I, I’m trying to do my best





Follow me, why don't you follow me?
Down to the street and then back to my house
Watch your step! I'm number 1B
Come on in and I'm sorry for the mess

I saw you standing there, and I asked you for a light
I slyly touch my hair, you looked as I hoped you might
I throw my head back as I laugh, I touch your arms look into your eyes
We'll say some words that I'll forget, we both know they're mostly lies
The dialogue starts to lag, the smokes are burning down
We do a little calculation and suggest we get another round
But as the music swells you take your chance to bend in close as if to hear
But then you say 8 magic words
Do you want to get out of here?
And I say

Follow me, why don't you follow me?
Down to the street and then back to my house
Watch your step! I'm number 1B
Come on in and I'm sorry for the mess

You probably think she's being bad
Or that she's going straight to hell
But this is just a girl who wants
Who's not afraid to help herself

Cause every boy she's ever known
Is just a peach and as sweet as pie
So how could you hope to say no
When you see him walking by
And she says

Follow me, why don't you follow me?
Down to the street and then back to my house
Watch your step! I'm number 1B
Come on in and I'm sorry for the mess

Follow me, why don't you follow me?
Down to the street and then back to my house
Watch your step! I'm number 1B
Come on in and I'm sorry for the mess









Data de publicació: 04 de juny de 2018
Última modificació: 07 de novembre de 2024
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