Annie Lennox (Aberdeen, Escòcia, 25 de desembre de 1954) és una cantant, compositora i activista coneguda per haver format, durant els anys vuitanta, el duet Eurythmics amb David A. Stewart. Un cop aquest projecte va arribar al seu final, Lennox va seguir amb la seva carrera en solitari. D'aquesta etapa com a solista és aquesta cançó, No more "I Love You's", inclosa al disc Medusa, que va publicar el 1995.
I used to be lunatic from the gracious days
I used to be woebegone and so restless nights
My aching heart would bleed for you to see
Oh but now...
(I don't find myself bouncing home whistling buttonhole tunes to make me cry)
No more "I love you's"
The language is leaving me
No more "I love you's"
Changes are shifting outside the word
(The lover speaks about the monsters)
I used to have demons in my room at night
Desire, despair, desire... so many monsters!
Oh but now...
(I don't find myself bouncing home whistling buttonhole tunes to make me cry)
No more "I love you's"
The language is leaving me
No more "I love you's"
The language is leaving me in silence
No more "I love you's"
Changes are shifting outside the word
(They were being really crazy
They were on the come.
And you know what mummy?
Everybody was being really crazy.
Uh huh. The monsters are crazy.
There are monsters outside.)
No more "I love you's"
The language is leaving me
No more "I love you's"
The language is leaving me in silence
No more "I love you's"
Changes are shifting outside the word
Outside the word