One of These Things First

I could have stayed beside you, could have stayed for more

Autor Redacció
Nick Drake va néixer a l'actual Myanmar el 19 de juny de 1948. Va ser un cantant i compositor anglès de folk que en vida va tenir molt poc èxit comercial. La qualitat de la seva música, però, és reconeguda en l'actualitat per crítics i altres artistes. Drake, a qui no agradaven les actuacions en directe ni les entrevistes promocionals, va morir el 25 de novembre de 1974, només amb 26 anys, d'una sobredosi d'antidepressius accidental. El recordem escoltant una cançó del seu segon disc, Bryter Layter, que es va publicar el 1970.

I could have been a sailor, could have been a cook
A real live lover, could have been a book
I could have been a signpost, could have been a clock
As simple as a kettle, steady as a rock

I could be here and now
I would be, I should be, but how?
I could have been
One of these things first
I could have been
One of these things first

I could have been your pillar, could have been your door
I could have stayed beside you, could have stayed for more
I could have been your statue, could have been your friend
A whole long lifetime could have been the end

I could be yours so true
I would be, I should be, through and through
I could have been
One of these things first
I could have been
One of these things first

I could have been a whistle, could have been a flute
A real live giver, could have been a boot
I could have been a signpost, could have been a clock
As simple as a kettle, steady as a rock

I could be, even here
I would be, I should be, so near
I could have been
One of these things first
I could have been
One of these things first

Foto: Facebook Nick Drake

Data de publicació: 03 de setembre de 2018
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