
You don't have to sell your body to the night

El cantant i baixista Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner, més conegut pel nom artístic Sting, va néixer el 2 d'octubre del 1951 a Wallsend, Anglaterra.

You don't have to put on the red light
Those days are over
You don't have to sell your body to the night
You don't have to wear that dress tonight
Walk the streets for money
You don't care if it's wrong or if it's right

You don't have to put on the red light
You don't have to put on the red light

(Roxanne) put on the red light
(Roxanne) put on the red light
(Roxanne) put on the red light
(Roxanne) put on the red light

I loved you since I knew ya
I wouldn't talk down to ya
I have to tell you just how I feel
I won't share you with another boy

I know my mind is made up
So put away your make-up
Told you once, I won't tell you again it's a bad way

You don't have to put on the red light
You don't have to put on the red light

You don't have to put on the red light (Roxanne) 
(Roxanne) put on the red light
(Roxanne) put on the red light
(Roxanne) put on the red light
(Roxanne) put on the red light
(Roxanne) put on the red light
(Roxanne) put on the red light
(Roxanne) put on the red light
(Roxanne) put on the red light
(Roxanne) put on the red light
You don't have to put on the red light (Roxanne)
(Roxanne) put on the red light

Data de publicació: 02 d'octubre de 2021
Última modificació: 30 de desembre de 2025
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