Tot el corrent
d’una onada creixent
és com màgic.
Rodant i desfent-se
i lliscar no caient
és màgic.
I tu i les teves ganes
em fan sentir
flotant en l’aire, en l’aire.
És tot el que tinc,
sense això sé que estic perdut,
per seguir vivint,
que terrible si no hi ets tu.
Mires enrere i recordes
els teus pitjors dies,
sembla increïble el camí
fet des del primer dia.
I tu i les teves ganes
em fan sentir flotant en l’aire.
És tot el que tinc,
sense això sé que estic perdut,
per seguir vivint,
que terrible si no hi ets tu.
Si em deixes caure,
el corrent s’endurà l’esperança.
Tu has d’oblidar
que el malson
s’ha acabat i aixecar-te.
I tu i les teves ganes
em fan sentir flotant en l’aire, l’aire.
És tot el que tinc,
sense això sé que estic perdut,
per seguir vivint,
que terrible si no hi ets tu.
És tot el que tinc,
sense tu sé que estic perdut,
per seguir vivint,
que terrible si no hi ets tu.
Sailin' away
On the crest of a wave
It's like magic
Oh, rollin' and ridin'
And slippin' and slidin'
It's magic
And you and your sweet desire
You took me higher and higher, baby
It's a livin' thing
It's a terrible thing to lose
It's a given thing
What a terrible thing to lose
Making believe
This is what you conceived
From your worst day
Moving in line
Then you look back in time
To the first day
And you, and your sweet desire
Don't you do it, don't you do it
You took me, oh higher and higher, baby
It's a livin' thing
It's a terrible thing to lose
It's a given thing
What a terrible thing to lose
Takin' a dive
'cos you can't halt the slide
Floating downstream
So let her go
don't start spoiling the show
It's a bad dream
And you, and your sweet desire
You took me higher and higher, baby
It's a livin' thing
It's a terrible thing to lose
It's a given thing
What a terrible thing to lose

Foto: Luis Sarabia